Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Phase 1 Training - Week 2

Saturday 24th January 2015

An early start at 3am and this time we are off to El Paso.  We picked up our trailer at Riverside DC and hit the road around 4am.  I drove the my full 11 hours and got as far as Deming NM, where Victor took over and ran in to El Paso for the delivery.  There was snow on the hills there and it was close to freezing.  I slept on the way back to Colton as far as Buckeye AZ, where we fueled and then I brought us back to Colton CA arriving around 11am on the 25th.

Sunday 25th January 2015

The next load was ready for us at 4pm so it was a quick shower and food then off again to Clark NV.  We delivered to Sacramento CA and then picked up another trailer at Clark NV around lunchtime.

Monday 26th January 2015

This load was destined for Manteca CA, Modesto CA and Patterson CA.  These were all completed by 9pm and we stopped for dinner at Panda Express.  Then Victor drove the 6 hours back to Colton CA.

Wednesday 28th January 2015

Another early start, 3am departure to El Paso with 3 drops in the city.  Have been in the Colton yard all day catching up on things and resting. I am starting to appreciate the sights along the route more now.  The desert hills at sunrise are amazing, and I get paid to see it.

Thursday 29th January 2015

Arrived back in the yard at Colton around 6pm and after a shower, food and some sleep we set off for El Paso once more.  This time Victor drove the first half of the journey to New Mexico and I did the rest of the journey to El Paso.  It was a very hard journey as it rained all the way and needed extra concentration.  My hours were running low so Victor did a lot of the driving and I filled in while he rested.  We arrived back at the Colton yard around 3pm on 31st January and started our 34 hour reset.

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