Thursday, September 10, 2015

OTR - August 2015

Sunday 2nd August 2015
I arrived in Arkansas and as it was a straight drop-and-hook, took no time in getting out of Ryder Logistics, a brief stay in a local truck stop and then off to my next load at the infamous Americold in Fort Smith the next day.

Monday 3rd August 2015
I was loaded and on my way by 10am, back to Laredo (which now seems like my second home).  But I dropped this load in the Dallas yard and then set off for home.

Monday 10th August 2015
I ran back to Dallas yard in the early hours to swap my automatic truck for a stick, and after getting in 59595 and gaining an empty trailer headed to McKinney, TX for my next load to Laredo.  On the way through I picked up another driver heading to Laredo for upgrade.

Tuesday 11th August 2015
I departed Laredo bound for Evansville, MO, but on the way picked up my first trainee, Robert.  This was going to be a test of my patience.
Wednesday 12th August 2015
Picked Robert up at the Waxahachie hotel and after a guided tour of the truck set off towards Missouri.  I didn't know at the time what was waiting for me during the next 3 weeks.  He turned out to be a big spoiled brat and I don't know how my patience lasted 3 weeks, but eventually I removed him from the truck in Salt Lake City.

day th August 2015

day th August 2015

day th August 2015

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